Montgomery's Island in the Net: Metaphor and Community on the Kindred Spirits E-mail List


  • Jason Nolan
  • Jeff Lawrence
  • Yuka Kajihara


Résumé: La liste de courrier electronique "Kind_Spirits" portant sur les récits et les idées de L.M. Montgomery connait un succès considérable, au point d'être devenu une île virtuelle, un objet littéraire en soi, certes fondé sur l'oeuvre de Montgomery, mais généré cependant en fonction d'un dialogue autonome effort complexe. Summary: This paper contextualizes the Kind_Spirits Internet e-mail list in the works and ideas of LMM. Kind_Spirits is itself a literature of a virtual island, echoing and interweaving the writings and life of LMM into an ongoing drama of its own. Enthusiasts from around the world share an ongoing complex dialogue amid the lively and diverse interactions common to any community. An early draft of this paper was originally presented at the L.M. Montgomery session at the "Message in a Bottle: The Literature of Small Islands" conference at the University of PEl in June, 1998.


